Ukweli na Kuheshimiana ni kiini ujenzi wa jamii zetu

Ulimwenguni kwa sasa kumejaa habari potofu na upotoshaji, ni muhimu kuhakikisha kwamba ukweli na kuheshimiana vinakuwa kiini kwa ujenzi wa jamii zetu.

Mapambano dhidi ya Habari za Uongo hayapaswi kukoma

Habari za uongo, habari za uongo zinazosambazwa kwa lengo la kumdhuru mtu au jambo fulani, huifanya jamii kuwa na sintofahamu. Zinaweza kutumika kwa madhumuni ya kiitikadi, kisiasa au hata uhalifu, kama vile ulaghai mtandaoni unaolenga kuiba data ya kibinafsi.

Utandawazi na Athari zake katika Uandishi wa Habari

Katika jamii yetu ya kisasa, ambapo habari ziko kila mahali na zinaweza kupatikana kwa kila mtu, mara nyingi ni ngumu kutofautisha kati ya vyanzo vya kuaminika na habari bandia.

Uandishi wa Habari nguzo msingi mkuu kwa ujenzi wa jamii inayojitambua

JAIZMELA blog ni miongoni mwa vyanzo vya habari, zilizochakatwa kwa kuzingatia miiko ya uandishi wa habari.

Mila na Desturi ni nguzo muhimu

Mila na desturi ni nguzo muhimu sana katika utamaduni wa jamii yoyote ile; mila ni sawa na sheria zisizoandikwa. Mila ni taratibu za maisha na mwenendo zinazofuatwa na jamii fulani katika utendaji kulingana na historia na utamaduni wao. Mila zinatambulisha maadili ya jamii husika, huelezea namna jamii inavyoendesha mambo yake.

Friday, October 27, 2023

KAHAWA FESTIVAL 2023: Vijana watakiwa kurudisha mnyororo wa thamani wa zao la Kahawa

Vijana wanaoishi katika mikoa mipya ya kahawa nchini wametakiwa kurudi shambani kwa ajili ya uzalishaji wa zao la kahawa ili kuongeza mnyororo wa thamani na maendeleo yao kwa ujumla.

Akizungumza na JAIZMELA katika ufunguzi wa Maonyesho ya Kahawa (Kahawa Festival 2023) yanayoendelea katika viunga vya Coffee Curing Moshi, Kilimanjaro Meneja Mradi wa CODE-P Emmanuel Mahululu amesema mkakati wa kuwarudisha vijana katika uzalishaji wa zao la Kahawa katika mikoa ya Songwe, Ruvuma na Mbeya inakuja kutokana na dhana kwamba wakulima wa zao hilo ni wazee.

“Tumekuwa tukitumia tool mbalimbali kuwafikia vijana ikiwamo kujumuisha familia namna inavyopanga majukumu yao wanashirikiana pia tunahamasisha vijana wazungumze na wazee wawape mashamba yao wayalime,” alisema  Mahululu.

Aidha Mahululu amesema uzalishaji wa zao la kahawa nchini umekuwa ukitegemea soko la nje na ndio sababu mradi wa CODE-P ambao umejikita katika wakulima wadogo wa zao hilo umekuwa ukipata ufadhili kutoka Umoja wa Ulaya.

“kahawa inayozaliwa Tanzania asilimia 97 inasafirishwa kwenda nje, Hili ni zao la kimkakati ambalo linatusaidia sisi kupata fedha za kigeni,” alisema Meneja Mradi CODE -P

Mahululu amesema miaka mitano iliyopita mikoa ya Mbeya, Songwe na Ruvuma mti wa kahawa ulikuwa ukitoa gramu 540 ukilinganisha na mikoa ya Magharibi nchini ambayo ilikuwa ikitoa kilogramu 1.8 na kwamba malengo Mradi wa CODE-P ni kufikia wakulima 24,000 wa rika la vijana kati ya miaka 18-35 miongoni mwao vijana wa kiume 9,600.

Kwa upande wake Mgeni Rasmi wa Kahawa Festival 2023 Profesa Aurelia Kamuzora amesisitiza ulazima wa vijana kujikita katika uzalishaji wa zao hilo ili kuimarisha soko la ndani na soko la nje.

“Mahitaji ya unywaji wa kahawa duniani yameongezeka kadri watu wanavyoongezeka na unywaji wa kahawa unaongezeka, soko la kahawa lipo endapo tutajipanga kutumia mbinu zinazotakiwa,” alisema Profesa Kamuzora.

JAIZMELA imezungumza na mdau wa Kahawa Ibrahimu Mbwana kutoka AFRICAFE ambaye ni muuzaji wa bidhaa zinazotokana na kahawa amesema fursa kwa vijana zipo kutokana bidhaa za kahawa zinatumika katika maeneo mbalimbali yakiwemo mahoteli.

“Kikubwa ninachowaomba watanzania tuweze kutumia vitu vyetu vya ndani; hapa Moshi kuna mashamba mengi yanayoweza kuzalisha kahawa tuanze kwanza kutumia sisi ndipo tuwaeleze na wengine,” alisema Mbwana wa AFRICAFE

Kilimo cha Kahawa kinaanza na maandalizi ya shamba jipya la kahawa, ama kwa kusafisha ardhi mpya au kukarabati shamba la zamani lenye kahawa zilizozeeka na lisilo na tija au kupanda shamba jipya kutokana na mashamba mengine ambayo yalitumika kwa mazao mengine na kuandaa shamba huko kunatakiwa kufanyike wakati wa kiangazi na kwa kutumia trekta au jembe la mkono.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Brief report on Hope for Future Day Care Center Project to Dr. Steve, Diana and Nelly on the 27th October 2023


Hope for Future Day Care Center Project was established in 2018 by a local organization, the New Hope for the Poor with financial and guidance from Dr. Steve, Dianna and Nelly.

The center is located at Ghona village popularly known as Chekereni, Kahe East ward in Moshi District Council, 50 kilometers south-east of Moshi Town along the Moshi-Dar-Es-Salaam highway.


The village is inhabited by mixed ethnic groups which are the Chaga, Kamba, Pare, Kahe, and many others migrating for agri-business, small shops, cross-border businesses and restaurants.

The village is a strategic business for cross-border interactions since it lies just a few kilometers from the Kenya-Tanzania border on the East.


Youth and adults in this area are daily occupied with farming and business as a means of survival leaving behind children with little care and protection. The under five years children are left under the care of siblings until parents or guardians return home from the hustling. The Day Care Center Project is bringing together vulnerable children into assured safety and care until the adults reunite with them later in the day.


Having maintained the 80 children under the project care annually since the project was established, the center is contributing to an average of 78 children being promoted into primary school annually. The assessment of the children who went through the daycare center is encouraging since they cope better in the new school environment, socialize well, and study hard for better academic performance.


Through the New Hope for the Poor Organization, the Day Care project collaborates well with the local community, parents, teachers in the neighboring primary schools, and leaders in general to ensure the welfare of the children is properly upheld.


The center is ambitious to gradually expand to meet the needs of children in Ghona village and beyond by providing quality child protection and education services, providing parenting skills to adults, and creating opportunities for livelihood skills for women in the neighborhood.


New Hope for the Poor wishes to gradually expand to establish primary and secondary schools for children from poor and marginalized families and establish vocational training services for youths including young mothers. This will contribute to reducing poverty levels, dependency syndrome possible sexual abuse and other types of Gender Based Violence (GBV), and the spread of HIV and AIDS.



 New Hope for the Poor Organization is a local non-governmental organization founded by a group of professionally diverse community members who identified the need to engage the community at Ghona in addressing some of its challenges.


The organization is legally registered to operate in Kilimanjaro region where the vision and mission of the organization will be propelled. It was given a registration number 07NGO/00006749.

The organization is currently focusing its interventions at Ghona village in Kahe East Ward with an estimated population of 12,210 people according to the 2016 Tanzania National Bureau of Statistics for Kilimanjaro region.


The organization is committed to integrated projects that will empower the targeted communities through education, water and sanitation, poverty alleviation, and environmental protection. It is

managed by an Executive Director who is the chief executive officer working under the supervision of 7 board members.


It is a membership organization open to all interested community members. The board chairperson represents the Annual General Meeting of all organization members. With current projects, implementation of the organization activities is in the hands of 6 staff who are volunteers and 3 Day Care Center staff (2 teachers and 1 matron). Future projects will hire staff to fulfill specific project activities within a clear timeframe.



This project was established in 2018 by the mother organization at a center with structures that were refurbished with your support. The center is registered as required by the law on the implementation of such services in Tanzania. Its registration number is 2662 of 20th April 2023 issued by the Ministry of Gender, Women, Children and People with Special Needs.


Day Care services for children under 5 years of age are provided to 80 children from Ghona and its vicinities annually. The number is maintained even though the need to register more unreached children is high. The limitation is on the facilities, staffing, and reaching out to households located beyond 2 kilometers which may be difficult for parents to bring their children to the center. On the other hand, the nature of casual work on farms for most parents requires them to leave home very early even before providing breakfast to the children.

 The center is linked with neighboring primary school studies in which at 65 children graduated to join primary one in 2021 and 76 in 2022. With current limited structures, children who join at three (3) years will spend at least 2 years before graduating to allow new enrolment. So far, 65 graduated in 2021 and 76 in 2022.

Children at the center are provided with an opportunity to play, interact socially, and learn how to read and write in a Montessori methodology. Two (2) trained teachers and a Matron are responsible for the safeguarding of the children from the time of arrival at the center until when they are picked up by parents or guardians. At the center, the children are also provided with at least two (2) meals breakfast and lunch which ensures their nutrition status is improved as much as possible.


A space with mattresses is provided behind the classroom to allow children to have an opportunity to have a nap before they are discharged. The space is also used for children who may fall sick or require special attention.


A need for improving services at the daycare has been observed in the areas of improving nutrition services by consistently providing a balanced diet, conducting regular nutrition assessments, constructing additional classrooms to increase space which will allow enrollment and maintaining at least 100 children, resting rooms for children, administration block which will have offices, storage space, and first aid room.


To intensify the safety and security of the center and the children constructing a strong fence is inevitable. Currently, wild animals from the neighboring forest reserve and those from the community roam around the center compound posing threats of harm including bites which may lead to infections such as rabies. Entry of unwanted persons at the center will be controlled by fencing which will prevent stealing or abduction of children.


There is also a need to improve water harvesting and storage systems by placing reserve water tanks and rainwater harvesting systems. Electrification preferably solar energy will be necessary.

With sufficient water, the center will establish and promote home gardening for vegetables and fruits as well as planting trees for shade and making the surroundings green.


Our ambitions will certainly require resources in funding and materials to be gradually solicited from local and international well-wishers who are expected to contribute generously to support the course. The organization relies much on the existing partnership with the sister organizations abroad for support and guidance as much as possible.



With your support, a borehole was drilled to provide safe and clean water to all Ghona/Chekereni residents. The water is being used for domestic purposes, personal hygiene and gardening. The organization is working hand in hand with community leaders to ensure water committees monitor the supply and take appropriate measures on time. It is also participating in promoting water management knowledge, home gardening, tree planting, and proper disposal of excreta and rubbish.



 Since its inception in 2018, the New for Hope for the Poor Organization achieved in several ways including:

▪ Establishment of a full-running registered daycare center for a constant of 80 children annually. From 2021 to 2022, graduates to primary class 1 were 141 children being (80 boys and 61 girls).

▪ Parents and guardians of the 80 children attending the center were opportune to attend child safeguarding training. In total, there were 70 participants (50 females and 20 males) who responded to the call from the center.

▪ The center received its official registration making it a legally existing entity for child safeguarding services.

▪ Recognition by the local community and the government for the services rendered by the organization and the daycare center.

▪ The financial management system was improved by opening bank accounts in local banks the National Microfinance Bank (NMB), CRDB LTD, Equity Bank, Uchumi Bank, and Exim Bank.


▪ The structure used for the office, store, and toilets is unfinished and poorly furnished. The estimated budget for its completion is about Tshs. 40,000,000/=. Completing it will provide a comfortable space for services and the required privacy.

▪ Documentation and data processing equipment such as computers, printers and photocopiers are not available to ensure all the information to do with the organization and projects are well maintained. The estimated cost for these items is at Tshs. 5,600,000/=.

▪ Safety and security risks at the daycare compound by animals and unexpected persons due to lack of fencing and security guards. The cost for the construction of the fence will require a bill of quantity after consultation with an architect.

▪ Inadequate water reserve for daycare center activities. Installing a 5000-liter water tank which will be used for rainwater harvest will be required. The budget estimate is at Tshs.


▪ Lack of visual education and entertainment equipment such as a video projector, TV screen, and decoder, and radio limit learning by seeing, singing, and entertaining actions. The equipment will be required to enhance the education quality. The estimated budget will be at Tshs. 4,900,000.



Our organization has been able to take off and provide services to children and the community at Ghona/Chekereni village. We are gaining experience and the need to safeguard children in the area is increasingly being revealed. The inception was challenging but the financial support from you has uplifted us to encouraging levels. 

It is in this regard we sincerely appreciate the financial and moral support in seeing us through as we serve the vulnerable children and the community at large. We are thankful for the frequent supportive supervision which energized us to do more even during times of frustration and despair. The New Hope for the Poor Organization wishes to re-iterate our commitment to providing quality safeguarding and education services to all children in need.


Thank you so much and welcome to Ghona/Chekereni, Moshi; the land of Kilimanjaro.



Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Jela miaka 180 Ubakaji na Ulawiti

Mahakama ya wilaya ya Njombe imemhukumu Joseph msemwa kijana wa miaka 27 mbena na mkazi wa Njombe, kutumikia jela kifungo cha miaka 180 Jela , kwa makosa sita ya ulawiti na ubakaji. ambapo kila kosa limekuwa na hukumu ya miaka 30  

Katika mahakama ya wilaya ya njombe, ndani ya chumba cha mahakama, hukumu imesomwa kwa zaidi ya dakika 45, na baadae mahakama ikahitimisha kwa kumtia hatiani Joseph Msemwa, kijana wa miaka 27 mkazi wa njombe.

Akisoma hukumu hiyo ya shauri namba 53 la mwaka 2023, Hakimu mkazi wa wilaya ya Njombe Matilda Kayombo, amesema mshtakiwa Joseph amekutwa na hatia katika makosa sita, matatu yakiwa ni ubakaji na matatu ya ulawiti anayodaiwa kuyafanya siku ya tarehe 16 hadi 23 mwezi mei mwaka 2023 katika mtaa wa kihesa kilimani, Mkoani Njombe.

Matilda ameendelea kusema mahakama imemtia hatiani baada ya kusikiliza ushahidi uliotolewa na mashahidi sabaa, wakiwemo waathirika wa matukio, Taarifa ya uchunguzi wa Daktari, uongozi wa serikali ya mtaa pamoja na Polisi.

Kijana Joseph Msema anadaiwa kutenda makosa hayo kwa nyakati tofauti, baada ya kuwahadaa wanawake watatu na kasha kuwafungia katika nyumba aliyokuwa anaishi katika mtaa wa kihesa, na kisha kuwalawiti na kuwabaka kwa zamu usiku na mchana, zoezi lililoenda sambamba na kuwaingiza magunzi ya mahindi na matango katika sehemu za siri.

Taarifa zilizosaidia kukamatwa kwake zinaelezwa na mahakama kuwa zilitolewa na mmoja kati ya wanawake aliokuwa amewateka, ambae alifanikiwa kutoroka na kupiga ndulu kwa majirani ambao walivamia nyumbani kwa Joseph na kukuta wanawake wengine wawili wakiwa ndani, vile vile kulikutwa mfuko ukiwa na dawa za kienyeji, huku mahakama ikieleza kuwa sehemu ya ushahidi uliotolewa ulibainisha kuwa mtuhumiwa baada ya kuhojiwa alikiri kwamba alifanya matukio hayo akiwa anatekeleza maagizo ya mganga aliyemtaka abake wanawake na watoto.

Waendesha mashtaka wakiongozwa na Magdalena Whelo na Elise James waliiomba mahakama kutoa hukumu kali kwa mtuhumiwa ili iwe funzo kwa jamii yote ikizingatiwa kwamba matukio ya ubakajai na ulawiti yamekuwa yakiongezeka maradufu Njombe.

Baada ya mahakama kujiridhisha na ushahidi uliotolewa mahakama imemhukumu Joseph Msemwa ktumikia miaka 30 jela kwa kila kosa, katika makosa yote sita aliyokutwa nayo, ambayo ni kinyume na kifungu cha sheria namba 130 kifungu kidogo cha kwanza na cha pili (e) sambamba na kifungu kidogo cha kwanza cha sheria ya adhabu kifungu namba 16 kama ilivyofanyiwa marejeo mwaka 2022.

Hukumu hiyo inakwenda sambamba na kulipa fidia ya fedha halali za kitanzania kiasi cha shilingi milioni moja, kwa kila muathirika wa makosa aliyoyafany

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

PICHA: Mkutano wa hadhara Gonja-Maore haijawahi kutokea

Umati mkubwa wa wakazi wa Gonja-Maore wilayani Same mkoani Kilimanjaro wamejitokeza kwa wingi kusikiliza namna serikali ya awamu ya sita iliyo mkononi mwa Rais Samia Suluhu Hassan inavyotekeleza kwa Kasi miradi ya maendeleo ikiwamo barabara, Maji, elimu na Afya.

Haijapata kutokea Kamati ya Siasa ya Mkoa wa Kilimanjaro kushuhudia umati wa watu waliojitokeza kusikiliza utekelezaji wa Ilani ya CCM 2020-2025

Viongozi mbalimbali wa kidini na kisiasa walikuwamo katika mkutano huo ambao vijana wa kike na kiume, wanaume kwa wanawake walijitokeza kwa wingi .

Haitasahaulika, huku ikishiria Mbunge wa Jimbo la Same Mashariki Anne Kilango Malecela anakubalika na wananchi wake.

Nderiananga atua Gonja-Maore kutelekeza Ilani ya CCM

Naibu Waziri Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu Sera, Uratibu na Bunge Ummy Nderiananga amewataka wakazi wa Gonja-Maore wilayani Same mkoani Kilimanjaro kuendelea kukiamini Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) kwani ndicho pekee kinachoweza kutekeleza kinapowaahidi watanzania.

Nderiananga aliyasema hayo wakati akiwahutubia wakazi wa Gonja-Maore katika ziara ya Kamati ya Siasa mkoa wa Kilimanjaro ambayo Oktoba 17, 2023 ilikuwa katika Jimbo la Same Mashariki kwa Mbunge Anne Kilango Malecela.

"CCM imekamilika, KAZI iendelee."

Katibu wa Siasa na Uenezi mkoa wa Kilimanjaro ataka viongozi wa CCM kuitisha mikutano ya hadhara


Katibu wa Siasa na Uenezi mkoa wa Kilimanjaro Abraham Urio amewataka viongozi wa Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) ngazi ya Tawi, Kijiji na Kata kuitisha mikutano ya hadhara ili kuwaeleza wananchi namna Chama kinavyoleta maendeleo.

Akizungumza na viongozi wa CCM Kata ya Kihurio uliofanyika katika Kijiji cha Kihurio wilayani Same,  Urio amesema bila mikutano ya hadhara kuwaeleza wananchi namna serikali ya Chama cha Mapinduzi ilivyofanya katika maeneo yao.

Naibu Waziri Ofisi ya Waziri Sera, Bunge na Uratibu Nderiananga atua Same

 Naibu Waziri Ofisi ya Waziri Mkuu Sera Bunge na Uratibu, Ummy Nderiananga akiteta jambo na Mjumbe wa Kamati ya Siasa ya Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Wilaya ya Same mkoa wa Kilimanjaro Miryam Mjema.

MNEC Selemani Mfinanga na Miryam Mjema


Mjumbe wa Kamati ya Siasa ya Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Wilaya ya Same mkoa wa Kilimanjaro Miryam Mjema akiwa katika picha ya pamoja na Mjumbe wa Halmashauri Kuu ya CCM Taifa (MNEC) Seleman Mfinanga nje ya Ofisi za CCM Wilayani Same, Oktoba 17, 2023.